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I have just had the most incredible healing session with Glenys, via the internet (zoom). She is SUCH a skilled healer!

She helped me to identify two very old limiting patterns that had been triggered for me recently, and then we worked together to turn them into two very powerful positive affirmations.

Her incredible intuition and facilitation made sure that what we were working with was true and accurate and we kept 'tuning' until we came up with the right issues and resulting affirmations.

To be free of the angst and upset that I've been carrying for a fortnight after this encounter occurred, and to have re-affirmed my own integrity from a place of loving kindness was just incredible.

Glenys then shared two very simple tools with me that I can use any time the stress response is triggered again.

Thank you, Glenys. That was such an incredible session. I feel so peaceful and imbued with a sense of loving kindness towards myself as well as others involved. Just Amazing.

Sally, Christchurch, NZ

I was fortunate enough to be given a treatment by Glenys several months after a really traumatic event. The dramatic response of my body to the very gentle treatment surprised me greatly!

It was not until a few days after the session that I realised that I had been in a constant state of hyper-vigilance since the trauma (several months!) and had now been moved out of this state and was able to relax.

Glenys had observed the state I was in and was absolutely right about her healing session being much needed.


Jessie, Tairua, NZ

I saw you for a short session last Saturday at the Te Atatu Crystal Markets and I just want to say that I thought you were amazing!

I had come in specifically wanting a reading with a medium because I really wanted my brother to come through and get some sort of confirmation that he is around me.

I wasn't planning on getting any type of energy healing at all, but after I had a very disappointing reading with one of the clairvoyants I didn't want to leave empty handed. I felt like I still needed something, I just wasn't sure what.

I randomly went up on stage with my friend who was looking to get some healing done for some physical pain she has been dealing with and I thought maybe I should just get some sort of emotional healing - nothing to lose!

I thought you were so warm and kind and the things that you picked up in regards to how my brother passed were so accurate. [More personal information removed to protect privacy.]

You told me to trust my intuition and the biggest confirmation for me was seeing all the beautiful butterflies on your skirt and straight away remembering my vivid dream from a few nights earlier which was seeing all these beautiful butterflies above me. I felt an instant spiritual connection - like a 'knowing' feeling of confirmation.

I just want to say thank you for your kindness and for acknowledging my pain and I think you do such amazing work. Really appreciated it :)


Jo, Auckland, NZ

Glenys is intuitive and insightful, warm, accepting and encouraging – exactly right for helping me address deep issues and unhelpful beliefs.

Glenys always comes up with something spot-on for the difficulty I am struggling with. Such a wonderful sense of seeing myself afresh, and of release from things in myself holding me back.

Glenys’s ThetaHealing approach has enabled me to enter into deep issues in my shadow which I have not been able to access myself.

John, Auckland, NZ

After a house energy cleansing and blessing, my client emailed:

"I woke up this morning feeling as if I had had the ‘nicest’ sleep in a long time. I feel calm and peaceful."

Jude, Rotorua, NZ

Thank you so much Glenys ... I felt so relaxed and open that afternoon, after the session ... Felt very good for my mind, heart and soul.

Beccy, Karangahake, NZ

Thank you for your healing for my back pain. I had real revelations about its origin during our session and the pain became noticeably reduced.

Lorraine, Auckland, NZ

I came to Glenys after weeks of feeling exhausted and was offered an energy healing called the Black Pearl Sanctuary to awaken my energy cycles. The healing itself was wonderfully relaxing and calming and made me feel ready to fully access the messages my body was sending me.


Thank you Glenys for your magic.

Isla, Devon, UK

Although I know some of the energy medicine exercises and have used them, I realized during our Skype session that I have been using them in the wrong way – wrong place – so they weren't as effective.  While doing the exercises with you, and again later doing them on my own, I could really feel the difference in the energetic movement in my body.

I went out yesterday and I was able to call in to rest rooms here and there in stations and do the Connecting Heaven and Earth exercise, which helped with the pain in my hip. I'll keep working with them and see how I go.

...and then a day later

I spent most of yesterday at the park and did the Connecting Heaven and Earth exercise several times, whenever I felt pain, and again this morning, together with the other exercises and my morning 3D routine.  I feel better for it and understand that I need to continue to work with it every day.  Thank you dearly.

Helen, Tokyo, Japan

I had the most amazing healing from this beautiful healer Glenys, I presented with deep emotional trauma that felt completely resolved after the healing. I completely recommend this lovely lady and her healing gifts.


Anahera Aroha, Waihi, NZ

Akash Testimonial

Yes some of this resonates with me and some the awareness is now opening for me to engage with... Love the gifts that come when wording things.

Now I need to look at how I can bring more opportunities into my life to connect more with my Soul. I feel the tug of war at present with the current changes unfolding in many ways.  This will be good to look at and how I may make changes to allow this.
You have given me plenty to sit with, feel and unfold.


Thank you again for this beautiful gift. I am touched deeply and I am so very grateful for your support.

Kate, Christchurch, NZ  (Akashic email reading)

I just wanted to thank you again for the session on Wednesday. It was an incredibly helpful reading. I've been thinking about it since and I was able to put things together that I wasn't sure about before. Interestingly, I had a feeling about some of the things, but you confirmed that I just need to listen to my inner voice more.

Bence, Wellington, NZ  (Akashic reading)

(personal details omitted) ....That aside, I really appreciate your bringing to the process your other energy healing skills when pertinent - an unexpected gift, dimensionalising my experience.

Sarah, Auckland, NZ  (Akashic healing)

Thanks for the reading earlier today. It was very insightful and has assisted me in developing a deeper understanding.

Michelle, Auckland, NZ  (Akashic healing)

As soon as I heard Glenys did Akashic healing I was in.

I've had two amazing sessions clearing the Akashic records for two areas of my life: money and poisoning.

It's quite amazing how easily I get to the memories of the past lives. Glenys helps with clearing and completing the difficulties I experienced in those lives. I've had some profound insights around those areas in relation to this lifetime.

Thank you Glenys and I look forward to the next sessions.


{name withheld}, Auckland, NZ  (Akashic healing)

Living Energy

The Stress Less spray is so calming as it cools down my head and face as soon as I need it. The beautiful aroma soothes my nerves. I have bought it for my daughter as well and she absolutely loves it. Also sent her the Aura Restorer spray as she lives in a block of flats in the city. She feels cleansed and refreshed when she uses it.

Kim, Greymouth, NZ

Love your sprays! The room I'm facilitating in today immediately changed. Many thanks.

Anna, Auckland, NZ, commenting on the Feng Shui blend

Subtle but powerful. Great when travelling.

Jeanette, Nelson, NZ, commenting on the Aura spray blend

You can really feel the difference.

Claudia, The Natural Health Company, Howick

NME Testimonial

Praise for the New Millennium Essences:

Just a note of thanks and feedback to let you know I have been taking the essences for a bit more than a week now and know they are working on energies that I have carried since infancy which until now I couldn't identify.  I have had spontaneous memories of a time before I had words to describe it and I now feel a shift in what had been issues of trust and connectedness..

Rhiannon, New York


I love what I learnt in your three Energy workshops. They were uplifting encounters during winter, with many tools for daily living.
Your workbooks are professionally presented, and include helpful illustrations. They are fantastic resources ! I find myself dipping into each one, to keep learning.

At the end of each session, you invited us to identify which exercises we could include in our day to day lives. A gentle prompt to continue to use our new knowledge.

Thank you indeed, for all you share in these workshops, and displaying your supportive range of living energy aromatherapy products - which smell amazing!

Ann, Rotorua, NZ

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