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My name is Glenys Earle, and I am an Energy Healer. I know that underlying everything in the physical realm is energy and vibration, and that healing at the level of energy is both subtle and profound.

It is my mission to bring joy to your life; to inspire you and to give you tools that will help you make better choices for your own health and wellbeing. I want to help you experience greater health and vitality, and wake up to being more alive, whole and fully expressing yourself.

I believe that helping people make positive, healthy changes in their lives creates a ripple effect that inspires others to change. If we each take greater responsibility for our own health and wellbeing, it frees up our energy and vitality, enabling us to live a more joyful and creative life. This is our best contribution to a better world for all.

And part of my own positive, healthy life change has been to design and move into a tiny house in rural Rotorua, NZ, in order to grow some of my own food, and to live more in tune with Nature, her cycles and seasons. You can read the story of my transition to tiny house living in my blog: Life in a Tiny House.

My Story
Glenys Earle is an Energy Healer and Flower Essence Therapist

From an early age I have been curious about the world, and about life, and why we are here. I spent my childhood exploring many different disciplines, eventually studying Physics in an attempt to find answers to these questions.

Growing up I had a lot of health issues, culminating in a severe case of glandular fever in my late teens. For almost a whole year I was chronically ill and suffering from a deep depression, in which ultimately, I had a mystical experience of our indivisible connection to Spirit. Recovering in time to pass my final school exams with flying colours gave me a lasting faith in my ability to meet whatever challenges I face in life, due to the inner strength that I developed through this time.

In my 20s and early 30s I continued to have many health challenges, predominantly with my hormonal and digestive systems, and I underwent a series of operations. I always had the sense that my body was out of balance, and that the doctors weren’t looking deep enough into the causes, but only treating the symptoms. Later, when I found my way to a homeopath who treated my issues from a holistic body-mind-spirit perspective, I knew this was the type of healthcare that I was looking for. I had finally begun my journey to real wellness.

Around this time I also started practising Hatha Yoga, which not only gave me greater physical health and vitality, but brought the gifts of emotional stability, mental ease and calm. And by this time I was working in very stressful corporate jobs! Yoga has been at the centre of my morning practice ever since, and I love introducing its benefits to others via my teaching.

My journey as a healer really started when I studied Reiki, and began to practise my first energy healing technique. A couple of years later I met Peter Archer of New Millennium Essences, and joined him in his business, undertaking a seven-year apprenticeship in flower essence therapy. Both these therapies opened me up to working consciously with energy.


Click here for the story of how the New Millennium Essences came to be created.

Glenys Earle and Peter Archer in New Millennium Essences

Once I began working as a healer with Peter, creating and promoting the New Millennium Essences, I started to become very sensitive to energy. I experienced a number of disorienting symptoms – dizziness and numbness in the hands – that my intuition told me were related to an upgrade of my nervous system to cope with higher-energy frequencies. Eventually, as I worked to refine my nervous system, these symptoms disappeared.

In their place my sensitivity to energies around me increased to the point where it was difficult for me to be in public places. After a visit to the local shopping mall I would often return drained of energy and shortly after would suffer a debilitating migraine. Sometimes these migraines lasted days before I discovered the source of the energy drain – generally, negative energy that I had picked up from the people at the mall. Once I had identified and cleared the negative energy, my own energy would improve rapidly.

Over many iterations of this process, I gradually learned to sense different energies, to identify negative energies that were potentially harmful or draining, to allow energies to flow through me without “sticking”, and to create energetic boundaries. Along the way I discovered the importance of good grounding and being fully embodied.

I also began a period of medical intuitive work, reading clients’ energies to determine the physical and emotional issues they were facing. However, this work drained my own energy very quickly, so I discontinued it. That is, until I discovered ThetaHealing, in which I am now able to exercise this skill safely and accurately without draining my own energies. What a relief that has been to my own wellbeing!

Another key piece in my own healing work has been the discovery of Eden Energy Medicine, which allows me to maintain my own energy flows to a high standard. I use the same techniques for myself as I do for my clients, and in so doing, “prove” their effectiveness, and promote my own health and wellbeing.

A third keystone of my energy healing work is Akashic Soul Records Reading. Reading my own Akashic Soul Record has enabled me to discover my soul gifts and life path, and uncover the seed causes of physical and emotional issues in my present lifetime, and heal the originating past-life trauma.

I previously managed the New Millennium Oils business offering therapeutic-quality organic essential oils, and although the oils are no longer available, the website is a useful aromatherapy resource.

In addition I co-created a website with Sally Lawson dedicated to kindness, that we called, as we believe we could change our world for the better if we practised kindness towards each other more often.

My healing work has empowered me to take responsibility for my own health. I have much greater vitality than I did in my earlier life. Energy healing has also helped to clear many of the mental and emotional beliefs that prevented me from living the life that I really desired, and enabled me to be more conscious about the choices I make.


Energy Healing, for me, has been an ever-deepening exploration of my whole Being, with the emphasis on achieving dynamic balance at all levels, and through balance, moving towards a feeling of greater wholeness.

And that is how I approach my work. I am in service to you in becoming more whole and integrated in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Being.

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