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This tree essence is for helping to release from the cellular memory, and the deep subconscious mind, old memory-pictures from the past, that are repeatedly playing in our subconscious, like old movies.


Many of these old memory-pictures hold memories of events that we perceived at the time to be traumatic and threatening to us in some way. Many of them are from our early childhood, from before when we could think in a mature, logical manner, when we were experiencing the world through our feeling brain; and consequently what an adult would consider to be a trivial incident, to a young child often will take on the perception of a huge trauma.


Our subconscious mind hangs onto these picture-memories, because it wants to protect us from similar future harm, but in most cases all this results in is a dysfunctional, crippling emotionally driven disability, obsession, phobia or irrational fear, which severely hampers us as mature adults.This essence helps to dissolve these old picture-memories.


The ponga is a tree fern native to New Zealand. The fronds on one of the trees represents the old picture-memory energy, and the bare tree trunks with no fronds represent the subconscious mind once the old pictures have been erased.



“I now release these old picture-memories from my subconscious mind and from my cellular memories. These old ghosts from the past will no longer haunt me.”


Contents: 10ml  Stock essence

Erasing Old Video Pictures: Pongas

  • New Millennium tree essence for dissolving old memory-pictures from the past, that are repeatedly playing in our subconscious, like old movies.

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