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This flower essence is for kickstarting the body energy.


This essence helps the body to give itself a good solid “energy kickstart”, somewhat like (in computer terms) a “reboot”.


Sometimes, after a period when the body has had to undergo many changes and make many rebalancing adjustments, the sheer number of changes and adjustments, piled on top of each other, can lead to a situation where things just are not quite working as well as they should.


This essence helps initiate a process that could be thought of as a “starting over from the beginning”, which will, when completed, allow the body to re-order itself into a more efficient and holistic unit.


“I reboot my body energy with this kickstart.”


Contents: 10ml  Stock essence

Body Energy Kickstart: Kiskadee Rose

  • New Millennium flower essence for helping the body to reboot its energy.

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