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This flower essence is for assisting animals with kidney and urinary complaints.


This essence provides support and assistance, acting as a catalyst for the underlying emotional issues to be resolved, so that healing is able to take place at the physical level of the kidney dysfunction.


This essence helps with a physical condition, where the physical symptoms are only the “tip of the iceberg”, and the essence works in a very holistic way, in helping the animal to resolve all of these underlying issues, which should lead to an alleviation of the need for the body to manifest the physical symptoms, in this case being a weakness in the animal's kidneys and urinary system.



“I ask that this animal (or these animals), receive this help in resolving the issues associated with this urinary problem.”


Contents: 10ml  Stock essence

Animal's Kidney Problems: Red Begonia

  • New Millennium flower essence for assisting animals with kidney and urinary complaints.

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