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This flower essence is the ultimate abundance essence.


We have come through the long journey of lack and limitation, and we have experienced the pain of poverty and destitution.


Now, finally, we see the truth, that actually abundance was always ours for the asking, but we could not see it. And we would not see it until we had been through all of the illusions of not having it, let go of all desire for it, and realised that the way to true abundance lies in the releasing of the desire, because it is the desire for it that is blocking the realisation that we actually already have that which we think we desire.


“I now fully reclaim my power, and move on from this.”


Contents: 10ml  Stock essence

Abundance: Cornus capitata (Strawberry Tree)

  • New Millennium flower essence for seeing the truth of abundance, that we actually already have that which we think we desire.

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