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This flower essence helps animals to deal with living in a human-controlled world.


Animals' worldview is a lot different from the worldview of humans, and this sets up an energetic tension in animals, leading, in some animals, to the manifestation of ill-health.


Some factors include the fact that many animals have a “group mind” rather than an individual mind -- eg. flocks of birds are able to perfectly coordinate the flight-path of the flock as a whole through the use of their group mind.


This flower essence is one of our key essences for helping animals. All animals that are associated with humans will benefit from this essence, especially dogs, cats and horses, as this is a huge issue for all domesticated animals,. It is probably the biggest cause of dysfunction in domestic animals.



“I ask that this animal (or these animals), receive this help in resolving this issue of their different perception of the world.”


Contents: 10ml  Stock essence

Animal's Perspective on Life: Camellia Crimson Robe

  • New Millennium flower essence for helping animals to deal with living in a human-controlled world, when their worldview is a lot different from the human one.

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