The term Energy Medicine can have a lot of different interpretations. In essence, it is a healing methodology that allows a practitioner to work directly with the subtle energy systems of the body, to correct and balance them, thereby healing the client.

My healing work includes a specific type of Energy Medicine, called Eden Energy Medicine, after its founder, Donna Eden.
Donna is a remarkable, dynamic and bubbly woman now in her 70s. She has so much enthusiasm and zest for life, and spreads joy wherever she goes. It’s hard to believe now that when she was in her 20s Donna was diagnosed with a heart condition, multiple sclerosis and not expected to live very long.
Donna Eden was fortunate in being able to see the subtle energies surrounding and interpenetrating the body. By working consistently with her own subtle energies, she was able to heal herself. Then she studied several healing techniques and developed a very successful healing practice helping others. Over the years Donna has developed protocols for testing and correcting subtle energy imbalances that can be taught to anyone, regardless of whether they can see or feel the energies.
Donna has developed this programme into a very comprehensive, practical and extensive healing system, called Eden Energy Medicine.

As explained in my previous blogpost, Energy Healing: what is it and how can it help you?, the subtle energies flowing through us are fundamental for our health. These energies feed and nourish all our cells, organs and physiological systems. Energy wants to move, and if it is blocked or pools in stagnant areas of the body, we suffer various problems from chronic pain or depression through to dis-ease and chronic inflammatory conditions.
My experience with Eden Energy Medicine

When I first discovered Eden Energy Medicine I was working at a stressful job struggling to juggle all the aspects of my life. I started using the Eden Energy Medicine techniques to give me more energy, release stress and give myself an overall energy balance. In particular, I did Donna’s 5-minute Daily Energy Routine every morning and noticed a definite improvement in my energy for that day. I also taught this routine to several friends, who reported the same result. So I knew I was onto to something really worthwhile.
Since then I have trained in Eden Energy Medicine and I use it as an integral part of my healing work. It is so versatile and often produces very rapid results. One of the key aspects of this work is that it emphasises not only health and vitality, but the importance of joy and positive emotions, which are equally important in promoting health.
I still use it the Energy Medicine techniques daily, starting with the Daily Energy Routine, and then during the day, as needed, to keep myself balanced and aligned.
How can Eden Energy Medicine help you?
There are so many ways that Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) can relieve painful or distressing conditions and enhance wellbeing. Why? Because it works to correct the underlying energy imbalances that cause the physical, mental and emotional problems.

EEM is ideal if you are stressed or anxious. Do you have trouble getting a restful night’s sleep? Then EEM can help. EEM also revitalises your energy if you are chronically tired, or suffer chronic fatigue, depression or poor concentration.
There are many techniques that help chronic pain, especially in areas where the pain continues long after an injury. EEM is ideal as an energetic support for the body if you are about to undergo surgery or a major medical intervention such as cancer treatment.
EEM is helpful if you suffer from fatigue or confusion from electromagnetic devices, or if you are sensitive to wifi and find working for any length of time at a computer draining.
In fact, there’s very little that EEM can’t help!
Many of the techniques are simple and easy to learn. Once you have been shown, you can then do them yourself as needed. They often involve moving the energy along energy pathways using the hands, or holding specific points on the body, called acupressure points.

Other techniques require a practitioner, such as the nurturing and stress-relieving Black Pearl Sanctuary and Brazilian Toe Technique that you will experience in the Stress Relief Healing. Chronic pain can be alleviated, and sometimes totally released, using the Hopi Pain Technique. And a one-hour Chakra Balancing & Healing will leave you feeling rejuvenated and rebalanced.
Why not try out some Eden Energy Medicine techniques for yourself. Join me in this video, in which I demonstrate some of the very simple and yet powerful techniques for boosting your immunity, releasing stress, finding more emotional balance and drawing down inspiration.
Eden Energy Medicine is a powerful, safe and effective way to better health, more vitality and greater joy.

If you want to know more about me or my Energy Healing work, click here.